

GROUPE DE CÉRÉALES  / Farine de Maïs ( Fuba de Milho)

Produit à partir de 100% sans OGM grains de maïs en fonction de 22 000 normes de gestion de la qualité ISO 9001 et ISO. Emballées dans 25 kg ou 50 kg de nouveaux sacs de pp et chargés 24 tonnes par conteneur de 20 ft.


No Denomination of characteristics Characteristics and norms
    fine-ground flour coarse-ground flour
1 Taste Corresponding to corn flour, without other flavors, not sour, not bitter
2 Mineral admixture It should not be felt a crunch at malaxation of flour
3 Humidity, %, not more 15,0 15,0
4 Ash content in terms of dry substance, %, not more 0,9 1,3
5 Fat content in terms of dry substance, %, not more 1,2 1,2
6 Grade of milling, % the undersize fraction of silk mesh No.32 sieve by GOST 4403-77, not more 15,0 15,0
  the undersize fraction of wire mesh sieve, not more - 2 mesh № 056
  Outsiftings of silk mesh No. 32 sieve by GOST 4403-77, not less 30 -
7 Metallomagnetic admixture per 1kg of flour, not more (mg) 3,0 3,0
8 Infectiousness by crop plants pests Not admitted